A fume hood is a device that is enclosed except for exhaust purposes, drawing air inward by mechanical ventilation. The user will insert their hands and arms into the compartment to be able to control their exposure to substances that are hazardous. When working in a laboratory environment, the fume hood is needed to ensure that reliable engineering controls are in place. Workers are protected due to the features the hood provides.
Fume Hood Protections
So, how are employees protected with a fume hood? The hood will capture and contain vapors, gases, and dust as well as fumes that are associated with the experiment and draws them away from the user. These harmful components are removed as the air flows into the hood and out an exhaust system. The fume hood acts as a shield for the employee, as it has a clear sliding window, known as the sash, that helps to prevent injury and harm. The employee is protected from any splashing, fire, or small explosions that can happen inside the hood.
Examples of Fume Hood Types
There are several examples of fume hoods on the market today, offering laboratories customized options for their experiment needs. Take for example a ductless fume hood. This type of fume hood uses carbon filters to remove the fumes and vapors from the laboratory. Another example is a bypass fume hood which provides continuous air flow across the work surface even when the sash is closed. This type of hood allows the user to change the hood’s face velocity.
Finding the right fume hood for your laboratory environment is a must. Always install a fume hood that will function based on the needs of the lab for safety and performance. Contact us today to learn more about fume hood options and how we can assist you.